Bargain Safavieh Courtyard 2098 Indoor/Outdoor Area Rug - Grey

Safavieh Courtyard 2098 Indoor/Outdoor Area Rug - Grey

Safavieh Courtyard 2098 Indoor/Outdoor Area Rug - Grey Create a dramatic seating area using the Safavieh Courtyard 2098 Indoor/Outdoor Rug - Grey and your black wrought iron furniture. This polypropylene rug is machine-made using a specially developed sisal weave, which allows for the intricate and elaborate details in the design. Made in Belgium, it has a one-year limited warranty and can be cleaned by spraying it with a garden hose. Sizes offered in this rug: Following are all sizes for this rug. Please note that some may be currently unavailable due to inventory. Also please note that rug sizes may vary by up to 4 inches in dimensions listed. Dimensions: 2 x 3.7 ft. 2.7 x 5 ft. 4 x 5.7 ft. 5.3 x 7.7 ft. 6.7 x 9.6 ft. 7.10 x 11 ft. 5.3 ft. Round 6.7 ft. Round 2.4 x 6.7 ft. Runner About Safavieh Rugs Safavieh is a leading manufacturer and importer of fine rugs. Established in 1914 in the capital of Persian weaving masters, the company today brings three generations of knowledge and experience to its award-winning collections. In the United States since 1978, Safavieh has been a pioneer in the creation of high-quality handmade rugs, a trend that revolutionized the rug business in America. Its collections range from the finest antique and historical reproductions to the most fashion-forward contemporary and designer rugs. Please note this product does not ship to Pennsylvania. Grey and black 100% polypropylene Machine-made with special sisal weave 1-year limited warranty Spray with hose to clean Made in Belgium by Safavieh Note: Due to individual computer monitor settings, actual colors may vary slightly from those you see on your screen.

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Product Price :: $114.22